Transport Assessment
What is it?
Transport assessments will normally be required if your proposed development will impact the transportation system in the surrounding area. The transport assessment (TA) will need to accompany your planning application.
For example if your development includes a change of use; or extensions to places of worship, educational buildings and community facilities, then a TA may be required.
What information should be included in a transport assessment?A transport assessment should include the following information:
- a description and analysis of the existing transport conditions
- details of the expected (economic, environmental and social) impact of the proposed development on the local transportation system
- details of the proposed approach to limit the expected impact of the proposed development on the local transportation system
- details of existing and proposed journeys to and from the proposed development site by all modes of transport (both vehicular and pedestrian)
- a construction management plan
- a travel plan outlining the measures that will be put in place to improve access to public transport and reduce the need for parking at the proposed development site
- details of proposed loading areas, arrangements for manoeuvring, servicing and parking should cross reference any scale drawings and plans
The scope of the transport assessment should reflect the size of the proposed development and the extent of the expected implications on the transport system.
Contact our members to assist you with your transport assessments
For further information visit
Guidance on Transport Assessment